Friday, January 30, 2009

outsourced call centers in trouble ? poor quality

did everyone see this report last night on the news ? watch the whole thing... there is some ad first

Outsourced centers are having a tough time retaining customer loyalty. US based clients are pulling calls back to US. DO NOT jump to conclusions about the Philippines or India. They CAN in fact provide exceptional service. The issue is one of poor management and lack of quality in the centers. If management does not give a hoot about language skills and overall communication skills then service will in fact be horrible... not rocket science that you need to have agents that speak some english, have a good attuitude, solid training and a good management layer. Some outsourcers are doing an exceptional job. One of the keys is probably a quality program or monitoring to track how the agents are performing. Anyone using an outsourcer should demand monitoring review and performance metrics. NOT how many calls answered or how fast... that is useless and only contributes to this issue. Need to look at behavior on the calls. A quality call is much better than a lot of calls... My two cents.

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