Wednesday, September 2, 2009

LinkedIN value

Does anyone have anything interesting to say on the LinkedIN groups ? I joined a bunch of groups thinking that there would be great thought leadership discussions with back and forth of genius ideas... so far, the same people keep posting white papers and pseudo articles that coincidentally endorse their product and services.

In today's instant information world, I have become very wary of anything I read... who wrote this ? where did it come from ? what's in it for them ? cynical I know but sad truth. My local newspaper The Globe even has the front of their automotive section look exactly the same as it always does with a big 3 page review of a car... only problem is that it is now always a ringing endorsement, I got suspicious and noticed a small "this is a paid advertisement" disclaimer. Cripes...selling themselves and their opinions to the highest bidder.

My dad always told me "you can not fool yourself" so keep in mind that customers see through it all. The damage done by me finding out that the paper sold themselves out is forever lasting. I will no longer trust anything I read there...

Keep the faith !

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